Mittwoch, 15. September 2010

homecoming date

hey, thanks for praying, i got asked for homecoming =). his name is max and actually he even is kinda cute. i guess i'm lucky.
i didn't get good pictures of him, that's all i have, sorry. but well, that's him, max...

but that doesn't mean you can stop praying for me, i don't have my dress yet =O.
omg, i hope i'll find a good one. i'm thinking about blue or... well, i'll see what i can find. they told me that they spend up to $500 on their dresses, but i don't wanna spend more that $50, so.. well..

oh, by the way, my english teacher (our mr. bible) told us he grew up in a slaughterhouse. he has german ancestors. and a german name.
oh, and he shot his kitten when he was a kid. she shot his kitten!! we asked him why, he said it was sick and shooting it is better than drowning it. if my cat was sick i would bring her to a doctor, not shoot it!
we asked him if he was sad, but he said it wasn't sad, it was interessting. omg!!
and i was shocked after he told us on my first day that he hates kids, because they don't think.
and that when we run out the door he always thinks about old times in the slaughterhouse when all the pigs ran out of the cages and he knew they would be killed and eaten, and he told us, when were leaving the classroom that way, he always thinks that we'll be killed and eaten...

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