Montag, 6. Dezember 2010

birthday paket

i finally got ur paket, papa, thank you sooo much, sooo cute, sooo thoughtful!!
(mom said some of the things are from her, u gotta tell me what)

the chocolate for cheryl...

well hidden, so jordan won't find it ;)

did u know i lost my pencase? thank you!! =)
i have the same scarf in blue btw, but u never have enough warm scarfs in minnesota, and they r super good for nordic skiing.. i'll probably need two when we get to the -30°Cs..
and i never got enough warm socks =) gotta buy more long and warm ones for nordic this we =)

very thoughtful ;)
but i'm actually really cold in bed, so thanks! =)

ok, seriously, i caught jordan twice (after i already gave him some of the candy) trying to steal that thing... once i caught him, he just took it and ran away, but luckily i did cross country, so i could catch him ;)

this bracelet is adorable!!
high heel: i'm girlish and like to dress up
donald duck: i'm childish (i like fake guns and comics)
chuck with wings: i travel ;)
peace: i'm super engaged with environment, animals and super anti-racism
heart: u like me? =)

aww, i miss my cat sooo much, thank you!!

that's were i put the chocolate santa claus's ;)

yes, i know that bracelet doesn't really work with a running bra, but it'll have to get used to it, because running bra and ski underwear is part of my outfit every day ;)
it's adorable, thank you! =)

the bracelet again!! <3

thanks papa and mama and leon, that was awesome!!

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