Dienstag, 30. November 2010


ok, so actually i'm busy and stuff like that, but i'm just reading the most awesome jokes ever and i gotta share it!

That awkward moment when you're making out with your brothers best friend in the kitchen and one of your older twin brothers comes in and watches you with a sly grin and a spoon sticking out of his ear hole.

Guy:God, how long is a million years to you?
God:A minute.
Guy:How much is a million dollars to you?
God:A penny.
Guy:Can I have a penny?
God:In a minute.

So Emma Watson(Hermione) goes to Brown University. So in class her professor asked her a ?. she got right so some guy in the back shouted 10 POINTS FOR GRIFFINDOR!!!!! she storms out.

Harry: Why don't you have a nose?
Voldemort: ........
Dumbledore: Oh my god Harry, you can't just ask people why they don't have a nose!

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